Manifesto TLDR

That was a bit long, here's the short version.

The Sealed manifesto outlines our vision for an innovative art marketplace, emphasizing user experience (UX) as key for the 1/1 NFT space. We reject traditional features in favor of unique discovery methods, including live auctions, a randomized 'featured roulette', and a non-curated featured section with chronological feeds and a personalized recommender. We want to return the focus to the artists and improve their ability to be seen in the space. We encourage active user participation to shape this new platform and create an artist focused culture in the digital art ecosystem.

A significant focus of ours is addressing the challenges faced by 1/1 NFT buyers who value their time highly. Current marketplaces are seen as inefficient, often leading to frustrating experiences with auctions and wasted resources. Current platforms don't seem focused on valuing collector time and we argue for the necessity of a fair market price for NFTs to avoid buyer exploitation.

The core thesis is that improving UX is crucial for the survival and growth of the 1/1 NFT market. We propose innovative solutions like trustless Vickrey auctions with hidden bids and gasless contract creation for artists. We might critique the lack of innovation in current marketplaces and challenges the status quo by suggesting the use of advanced auction research to create a more efficient and enjoyable buying experience.

Ultimately, our goal is to develop a marketplace that is more favorable for both artists and collectors, enhancing the overall NFT buying and selling experience.

Last updated