
Create a circle of trust and save collectors time!

How do we ensure that every piece is genuine and the artists get the recognition they deserve? With our innovative vouching system!

Only verified users can vouch for artists. To become verified, one must receive a certain number of vouches, weaving a strong network of trust.

And, each vouch comes with a timestamp! Watch as artists rise, and see who supported them from the very beginning.

Our vouching system isn't just for show; it ensures that no sneaky seal can steal or impersonate. Trust is our currency.

How to vouch:

View who vouched for a user:

On the left side of a user's profile you will see a list of people who have vouched for the user. Select the dropdown to see a full list. You can also view their vouch date by hovering over the '1' next to the users name.

View your vouches:

On the right side of your profile you will see the users you have vouched for. This is great for keeping track and also acts as the way to unvouch a user if you are feeling less enthusiastic about their legitimacy 🥞

Last updated